Below is a list of recommended local caterers who can help look after you during your stay:
- Milkshed Catering: info@milkshedcatering.com, 07860581680 and www.milkshedcatering.com
- Liz Beale: liz@thebeales.co.uk or 07964 193588
- Jo or Carolyn Killin: jojokillin@hotmail.com or 07919181066
- Mariam Archer: mariamarcher@gmail.com or 07801 289205
- Ellison’s Dining: ellisonsdining@gmail.com or 07710 521559
- Strawberry Field Catering: enquiries@strawberrryfieldcatering.co.uk or 01225 339394
- The Wild Pear: info@thewildpear.co.uk, more information at www.thewildpear.co.uk